Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Hey guys,
This is a Batman origin story I started working on. It's been kinda put on the back burner for the time being but I have some plans for it. I have 6 issues plotted out exploring Alfred and Thomas Wayne's relationship leading into the birth of Bruce. It will also track his younger years spent training and I plan for it to end about where year one starts. Here are the first five pages of the first issue. Thanks for all the e-mails so far. I hope you all like this one too.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Let Me Tell You A Story

Ok, here's another one from Writer's group. Just like the first one we came up with characters and put them in a situation. This case they're all normal people, no powers or anything. They have all gone to an open house. Let me know what you think.


Monday, October 13, 2008


Time for another script! This one is again from the Writer's Group. We had to write a dream. It could be either a dream you have while asleep or like a goal. I've always had a dream to die happy. Kinda morbid I know but think about it. Be at peace with all my loved ones and just embrace what is to come. Let me know what you think about it. Just copy and paste the link below to check it out.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Ok, here's the first script I'm going to post. It comes from one of the assignments from our Writer's Group (which you should totally be going to). We had the idea of a group of super powered people stuck in an elevator together while it was stuck. The catch is that they're all in the secret identities! We each came up with the idea for a character and then wrote using all of them. Let me know what you think. Copy and paste the link below for the script.


Monday, October 6, 2008

First Post

Hey everyone,

I'm sure a lot of you are wondering why I started a blog, honestly I'm a little curious myself. The reason behind this is an idea I got from Will Terrell. He suggested I start one of these to post some of my scripts up to get feedback and make it easier for people to read my stuff. So welcome everyone and enjoy.

Your hero,
