Thursday, November 13, 2008


So Wizard World was AMAZING!!! I got to hang out with Sean McKeever and Terry Moore. They gave me some great advice and feedback. There were so many artist there too. My friend Will's table was right next to Matt Wagner! How sweet is that? I was going to take some pictures with Lou Ferrigno, Corey Feldman, and Danny Trejo but it cost $25 just to take a picture! They aren't that cool. I also got to see the Faktion guys and hang out with them. It was nice to just kick it and not be at a show. Anyway, that's all for this week, I'll be back next week with some more writing! Oh, and got to see Tech beat the crap outta OSU!!

1 comment:

Will Terrell said...

Hey man! I'm glad you had such a good time. I hope it was worth the trip! Keep at it!