Thursday, January 8, 2009


Hey everyone,
Sorry it's been over a month but things have been crazy! Quick recap: At the first part of December my house got broken into and they my tv, around 200 DVDs and some other stuff, in the middle of December I came down with the flu and was sidelined for a week, finally at the end of the month my car died and I've been dealing with that lately. I know it shouldn't cause me to get behind and that's why I'm sorry. Ok, on to the writing news. I'm almost done with Issue #2 of Flames and Vault is coming along nicely. The Hinder guys dig my script but Devil's Due is having some serious problems so we don't know if the book will come out at all now. I've been talking to the Faktion guys and I think we've come up with a cool concept for a book. I should have the first 5 pages by next week. Thanks for all the support!

1 comment:

Will Terrell said...

Wow. That sounds rough man. Sounds like one of those story lines where the Main character has all this terrible shit happen and he turns it all around to save the day anyways.